Automotive Materials Data and Forecasts

Designed to analyze material change opportunities, the Materials and Lightweighting Vehicle Domain presents opportunities to sustain light weighting or sustainability efforts.

To comply with emissions targets, OEMs must consider all options, including new materials that reduce vehicle mass. Additionally, OEMs and suppliers need to examine new construction materials and techniques to reduce costs, ensure greater cradle-to-grave sustainability, and support innovative design features.

S&P Global Mobility’s Materials and Lightweighting Vehicle Domain provides insight, context, data, and analytics covering the key technologies that are reshaping materials used in car and component production.

Topics covered:

  • Weight reduction and joining technologies
  • Material changes (e.g. plastics, carbon fiber, aluminum, alloys)
  • Recyclability 

Planners and strategists use the Vehicle Domain to:

  • Assess the evolution of materials used in a vehicle’s architecture
  • Analyze how the competition is advancing weight reduction strategies
  • Get an assessment of what has succeeded
  • Understand OEM purchasing strategies

The Materials and Lightweighting Vehicle Domain is part of a suite of vehicle contenting solutions. Delivered through AutoTechInsight, a S&P Global Mobility automotive strategy and planning solution, the Vehicle Domain provides a view into current automotive trends and future demand through:

  • Sector News & Insights (covering all Vehicle Domains)
  • Reports (Vehicle Domain specific)
  • Supplier Profiles (Vehicle Domain specific)
  • CFA Relations (OEM-Supplier relationships, both analyst and survey-based researched databases, delivered via Query Tool & 5 Analytics via Analytics Tool (Vehicle Domain specific)
  • Access to analysts, a listing of materials and lightweighting-related events and monthly webinars
  • OEM-level and Model-level forecasts, technology fitment, and supplier relationships (optional add-ons) 



Joyce Wang
Joyce Wang

Joyce Wang is Director of Automotive Technology & Aftermarket at S&P Global Mobility, focusing on technology trend forecasts and aftermarket analysis.

With 13 years of working experience in automotive industry, covering both OE market and Aftermarket. Joyce specializes in supply chain analysis, opportunity identification and assessment. Joyce has initially led component and technology research in China since 2010, later moving on to lead a team of 11 analysts in China, Japan, South Korea and Thailand.

Since 2020, Joyce’s responsibility expanded to include Aftermarket, where she was in charge of leading product innovation in aftermarket. She lead the product development of Aftermarket Insight, which is aim to help aftermarket players capture new business and enhance supply chain management.
In her recent role, Joyce is in charge of multi-client studies on cutting-edge research and popular subjects in the automotive sector, such as high voltage battery recycling.

Joyce holds bachelor's degree in management and master's degree in economics.

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