E-motors and inverters – Market analysis

E-motors and inverters – Market analysis

Publication Date: 16-May-2023

This report will conduct an in-depth analysis of e-motors and inverters used in electric vehicles (EVs) including their technology analysis, market analysis and supplier analysis.

This report will conduct an in-depth analysis of e-motors and inverters used in electric vehicles (EVs) including their technology analysis, market analysis and supplier analysis.

This report will:

  • define and discuss different types of e-motor technologies based on their Px architecture, location and integration type.
  • provide a detailed analysis of projected market demand and regional demand of e-motors based on their technology, location and integration type.
  • define various types of inverters used in EVs with in-depth analysis of silicon carbide (SiC) inverters.
  • provide a detailed market analysis of projected demand of inverters at global and regional levels.

Table of Contents
1. Overview
a) Report summary
b) Research methodology
c) Introduction
2. Technology analysis
a) Motor technology fundamentals
b) E-motor technology overview
3. E-motor market analysis
a) Global demand
b) Regional demand
4. E-motor supplier analysis
a) Overview
b) Sourcing strategy – In-house vs outsourced
5. E-motor materials analysis
a) Overview
6. Inverter technology analysis
a) Overview
b) System voltage architecture
c) Inverter types
d) Inverter integration level
e) 800V architecture and SiC growth
7. Inverter market analysis
a) Global demand
b) Regional demand
8. Conclusion

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