5GAA showcases latest cellular vehicle-to-everything technologies in Berlin

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The 5G Automotive Association demonstrated new 5G-V2X applications for enhanced road safety, featuring advancements from Audi and BMW

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The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) showcased the latest developments in cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) technologies in Berlin last week, the association said in a press release on Oct. 28. The demonstrations highlighted the capabilities of 5G-vehicle-to-everything (5G-V2X) in facilitating new applications across a diverse set of stakeholders including automakers, service providers and mobile network operators.

A notable achievement was the integration of 5G-V2X Direct technology in vehicles from Audi and BMW, achieved with support from 5GAA members Autotalks, Bosch, Commsignia and Fraunhofer Fokus. This demonstration showcased how the technology can alert drivers about pedestrians and cyclists even before they can see them, leveraging sensors and a camera feed from other vehicles. It showed the high-bandwidth and low-latency performance of 5G-V2X Direct using European Telecommunication Standard Institute (ETSI) Release 2.

Further demonstrations involved companies such as Bosch, Commsignia, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Keysight Technologies, LG, Mercedes-Benz and Vodafone, along with the Coalition for Cyclist Safety. These showcased interoperable applications designed to improve safety for vulnerable road users and emergency services through the deployment of safety awareness alerts via both 4G and 5G networks. These applications were characterized by low latency, achieved through multi-access-edge computing, and precise location services confirmed by Anritsu's performance metrics.

5GAA Chairman Christoph Voigt expressed optimism about the technology's future, highlighting Europe's readiness to adopt the next generation of 5G-V2X technology, including direct communications, given the millions of vehicles already connected through mobile networks. Further demonstrations by Autotalks and Bosch, alongside Commsignia, emphasized the collective perception benefits for vulnerable road users. Additionally, companies including Ettifos, Keysight Technologies, Rohde & Schwarz, and SEA Datentechnik presented interoperability and conformity solutions for 5G-V2X Direct, alongside radio performance verification.

The event also included a demonstration by Audi, in collaboration with Commsignia and Autotalks, of a cooperative parking use case based on 5G-V2X Direct technology. These advancements align with 5GAA's Visionary 2030 Roadmap, forecasting the continuous rollout of 5G in car models and the mass deployment of 5G-V2X Direct in commercial vehicles by 2026. This underscores the ongoing commitment of European automakers to the advancement of 5G-V2X technology, echoing the sentiments of 5GAA's Open Statement in 2023.

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