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    AutoTechInsight Autology

    Introducing AutoTechInsight Autology: Your Weekly Automotive Insight Podcast

    Autology is your go-to podcast series for a deeper understanding of AutoTechInsight news and analysis. Our experts dive into the latest megatrends, including the journey to fully autonomous vehicles, V2X connectivity, and electrification, providing valuable context to keep you informed.

    Step into the world of automotive innovation as leading industry experts join selected roundtable discussions, offering invaluable insights into real-world and future developments.

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    Autology Episodes

    Autology trailer
    Welcome to AutoTechInsight's brand new dedicated podcast series! From AVs to V2X, join our experts and industry leaders in Autology - a freely accessible weekly podcast that discusses the latest news and megatrends in the world of automotive technology. Listen in on the Autology Trailer to hear a snippet of what's in store... We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas at our email – and you can find out much more about our roundtable discussion topics across th...
    Caught in the Act – Securing raw materials in the EU
    Discover how significantly the automotive industry will be impacted by the EU’s recently proposed Critical Raw Materials Act. This includes sourcing rare earth elements for e-motors and batteries. As well as outlining the details of the Act, S&P Global’s experts will further reveal the forecasted demand for some of the components included in the legislation. Will the CRMA also be an effective response to the US’s Inflation Reduction Act? Find out in this episode of Autology. S...
    A fuel’s errand - Will hydrogen vehicles ever be mass market?
    In this week’s episode of Autology, S&P Global Mobility experts discuss the topic of hydrogen internal combustion and fuel cell vehicles. With inputs from the light passenger vehicle team as well as the medium heavy commercial team, we dive into topics including the supply chain of hydrogen vehicles, what regions are driving these technologies as well as an update on any OEM announcements. We investigate when the market can expect a significant ramp up as well as why hydrogen vehicles a...
    Charging ahead - Emerging tech for chargeable cars
    In this week’s episode of Autology, IHS Markit experts discuss how charging infrastructure is set to develop over the coming years. This includes whether there are sufficient charging points to support electric and plug-in vehicles worldwide, and–importantly–can power grids handle the demand? With new technologies such as bi-directionality coming to market, we also look into the benefits of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities for EV owners. Will it be worth their time discharging thei...
    Red, white and green – Biden’s American EV dream
    Following this week’s passing of the United States USD1 trillion infrastructure bill, EV charging is set to benefit from around USD7.5 billion investment. IHS Markit analysts break down exactly how many chargers, and what types of chargers, this could translate into. Importantly, they also answer the question of whether the funding is sufficient for consumers’ need. This week’s podcast also investigates if the type of chargers expected to be installed are indeed the correct type of v...
    London calling - Will low-emission zones be coming to your town too?
    The City of London recently expanded its Ultra-Low Emission Zone on October 25, forcing those with non-compliant high-emissions vehicles to pay a daily fee of £12.50 to drive in the area. This is in addition to the daily Congestion Charge fee. IHS Markit experts explain what vehicles are subject to the charges and discuss whether schemes such as the above are forcing owners to purchase newer and greener vehicles. They also reveal the cost of the alternative: retrofitting your vehicle with...
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