Software-Defined Vehicles
Software-Defined Vehicles: OEMs and OESs transformation strategy analysis

Software-Defined Vehicles: OEMs and OESs transformation strategy analysis

Publication Date: 26-Oct-2023

This report examines how automakers and their supply chains are transforming their operations to focus more on software-defined vehicles and future digitalization services. This report also highlights important investments that are evident in SDV development scenarios.

Delve into this report investigating the paradigm shift in the automotive industry as automakers and their supply chains pivot towards prioritizing software-defined vehicles and upcoming digitalization services. Addressing significant challenges in future product development variations for OESs, a pivotal software strategy for OEMs involves reimagining their role from buyers to manufacturers. Explore key investments in software-defined vehicle (SDV) development scenarios emphasized in this research.

A software-defined vehicle (SDV) refers to an innovative automotive concept where the functionality, features, and performance of the vehicle are predominantly controlled and enhanced through software systems rather than traditional hardware components. In an SDV, crucial aspects such as engine management, safety protocols, entertainment systems, and autonomous driving capabilities are flexibly and dynamically adjusted through software updates. This approach enables rapid adaptation to evolving technological advancements, ensuring that the vehicle remains at the forefront of innovation throughout its lifecycle. Essentially, a software-defined vehicle embodies a paradigm shift in the automotive industry, emphasizing the central role of software in shaping the driving experience and facilitating continuous improvements and customizations.

Table of Content:

  1. What do we refer to as SDV?
  2. Picture of the SDV development roadmap?
  3. How are auto companies preparing for SDV financially?
  4. How do OEMs and OESs embark on the SDV transition journey?
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