BIW material competition index tracker

BIW material competition index tracker

Publication Date: 01-Dec-2022

BIW material competition index tracker essentially tracks the advancements, which are happening with all the primary materials used in manufacturing of the body-in-white (BIW) of a light vehicle. The materials tracked for this index include mild steel; HSS; AHSS; UHSS; GigaPascal steel; Aluminum; Magnesium; SMC; CFRP; Glass Fiber; Natural Fiber; Steel Laminated sheets. It looks at several physical and economic attributes of the materials and award them points for each attribute.

BIW material competition index tracker essentially tracks the advancements, which are happening with all the primary materials used in manufacturing of the body-in-white (BIW) of a light vehicle. The materials tracked for this index include mild steel; HSS; AHSS; UHSS; GigaPascal steel; Aluminum; Magnesium; SMC; CFRP; Glass Fiber; Natural Fiber; Steel Laminated sheets. It looks at several physical and economic attributes of the materials and award them points for each attribute.

The tracker is based on the S&P Global Mobility's BIW material Competition Index, which has been developed under the Materials & Lightweighting domain. The results of index arrived through analyst's extensive industry experience and in-depth primary research. It also accounts for new announcements by the material industry about the progress made in material improvements. The tracker is segrated according to the attributes and materials' performance is rated for year 2023 and expected performance in 2033.

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