Automotive simulation: Market growth picture and landscape analysis

Automotive simulation: Market growth picture and landscape analysis

Publication Date: 02-Dec-2022

This report highlights the emerging trend of the growing importance of vehicle hardware and software function simulation together and future growth. This report aims to bring a holistic viewpoint on the function simulation’s trends and forces that influence the market for the automotive industry.

The S&P Global Mobility automotive simulation report aims to bring a holistic viewpoint on functional simulation trends and forces that influence the automotive industry. It aims to qualify several industry-related questions that have arisen from the surge of CASE (Connected Autonomous, Shared Electric) functional requirements and seeks to answer many questions:

  • Who are the dominant players of the automotive simulation market?
  • How will the automotive simulation market change in the next five years?
  • Which function and application will take a lion’s share of the automotive simulation market?
  • What are the drivers and restraints of the automotive simulation market?
  • Which regional market will show the highest growth rate?
  • What will be the increase and size of the automotive simulation market throughout the forecast period?

These industry questions were answered in this report using primary and secondary market studies together with company surveys and S&P Global analysts expert views.

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