Thermal Management in Electric Vehicles

Thermal Management in Electric Vehicles

Publication Date: 28-Nov-2017

This report is available now to Thermal Service and Electrical / Electronic Service subscribers

BEVs & Full-HEVs bring their own unique set of challenges in terms of thermal energy management of the various modules which make up an electric vehicle, requiring a design strategy which is different compared to complete ICE.

Along with controlling the temperature in the battery module and cooling the power electronics, electric motor and range extender, integrating the different cooling systems and controlling the vehicle interior climate efficiently, is now the main focus. Thermal management of the various systems/modules used in the BEVs & Full-HEVs plays a very crucial role in the efficiency of the systems having a direct impact on vehicle range efficiency , vehicle range & component life

The report provides an initial understanding of Thermal Management of BEVs & Full-HEVs for Light vehicles, an overview of the demand outlook, main players, and market drivers on both a global and regional level.

Questions the report will answer include:

  • What is the size and scope of the global BEV/FHEV thermal management component market?
  • What are key drivers pushing the sector?
  • What is the business outlook for the BEV & FHEV thermal management sector?
  • What is the supplier-OEM landscape for the market?.
  • What are the unique regional factors in play in the BEV & FHEV thermal management sector?
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