Power Steering Systems Market Report

Power Steering Systems Market Report

Publication Date: 19-Nov-2018

This report is available now to Chassis Service subscribers

**Updated November 2018**

Chassis technology is responsible for a vehicle’s overall performance in terms of dynamics, safety, and fuel efficiency—in short, a key contributor to a vehicle’s competitive performance. Furthermore, through the use of advanced materials, it has a significant role to play in reducing carbon dioxide output.

IHS Markit’s Chassis Service provides insight, context, data, and analytics for the key chassis components—braking, steering, suspension, and tires. Users can quickly access key insights from market developments, put context around events and technology trends, dive into deep data and forecasts, and seamlessly drive analytics to support their most challenging decisions

About this Report

The report looks at global rise in power steering systems penetration, including electronic power steering technologies targetting low-segment cars. The report also determines the key growth markets, drivers and challenges, and analyses their impact in the near future.

The report will answer the following questions:

  • What is the size and scope of the global power steering systems market?
  • What are the key drivers within the sector?
  • What are the incumbent and upcoming technologies in the market?
  • What is the supplier-OEM landscape for the market?

The report will offer insight on the following points about the power steering market:

  • Dominant power steering technology between 2017 and 2024.
  • Technological advancement and challenges in power steering market
  • Growth technologies and associated regional markets
  • Power steering system penetration in vehicle segments
  • Supplier and customer base structure
  • OEMs strategies for power steering production
  • Power steering system market drivers and outlook
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