Charging requirements for upcoming xEVs

Charging requirements for upcoming xEVs

Publication Date: 07-Mar-2023

A vehicle’s charging speed and ability to reach a higher power rate are already becoming important factors buyers are considering while choosing which EV to buy. Along with speed, charging convenience could also be a major factor for drivers as we move toward more advanced automated EVs.

A vehicle’s charging speed and ability to reach a higher power rate are already becoming important factors buyers are considering while choosing which EV to buy. Along with speed, charging convenience could also be a major factor for drivers as we move toward more advanced automated EVs. There will be demand for more user-friendly charging technologies, such as wireless charging and battery swapping, which have already made the industry suddenly pay attention.

The Charging requirements for Upcoming xEVs report focuses on such current and developmental-phase charging technologies on the vehicle side to understand how these technologies will grow in the near term and their role in the EV charging ecosystem.

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