The CERAWeek special

Show Report

Billed as the world’s premier energy event and described by the Financial Times as “the Davos of Energy”, CERAWeek took place on March 18-22 in Houston, Texas.

The key theme for 2024 was “Multi-dimensional energy transition: Markets, climate, technology and geopolitics”. In this episode of Autology, S&P Global’s vehicle electrification expert and CERAWeek panelist Graham Evans, provides an in-depth insight into all the mobility-related discussions.

This includes the major issues from the politically sensitive nature of mining minerals all the way to bottlenecks at the charging infrastructure level.

Tune in to hear how the scoops from on-stage impact the global stage.


  • Elisha Thakorlal, moderator and OEM strategy expert, S&P Global Mobility
  • Graham Evans, director of Electrification Technology Research, S&P Global Mobility.

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