Outlook for LED projector and reflector headlamp production in Asian markets

AutotechInsight Analysis Monthly

LED headlamp demand is expected to record a strong growth rate in many Asian markets over the next five years owing to factors such as electrification, local regulations, and consumer demand for advanced lighting technologies.

Headlamps are increasingly being used to differentiate vehicles and as a style statement. The market for light emitting diode (LED)-based headlamps is strong in Europe and North America, but demand for such headlamps is now growing rapidly even in markets such as South Asia where halogen-based headlamps still account for a large share of total headlamp demand. Factors such as electrification, the reduction in production cost, and changing consumer preference due to rising purchasing power are encouraging automakers to introduce LED-based headlamps in lower-segment models as well. The rising adoption of LED automotive lights has enabled manufacturers to reduce production costs, enabling OEMs to make the move from halogen technology.

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