5GAA and US DOT to showcase C-V2X technology in Washington, DC

Software-Defined Vehicles
ATI News Team

The event, featuring partners such as Audi and Verizon, aims to enhance road safety and traffic management through innovative technology

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The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) has announced its support for a joint demonstration of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) technology, which is a collaborative effort with the US Transportation Department (US DOT) and several of its members. Scheduled for Feb 5–6, this event will be hosted at the Federal Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center located in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. Key partners in this demonstration include 5GAA members such as Audi, Verizon and Autotalks. The showcase aims to highlight the capabilities of C-V2X technology in enhancing safety for all road users, improving traffic management and fostering a more integrated transportation system. Additionally, it will display the synergistic potential of direct and mobile network communication through C-V2X to achieve comprehensive situational awareness.

This initiative represents the first event of its nature, emphasizing the industry's dedication to supporting the DOT's efforts in rolling out V2X technologies that promise to save lives. The 5GAA views this collaboration as a critical step toward facilitating ongoing innovation and speeding up the widespread acceptance of C-V2X technology. By working closely with the DOT and significant stakeholders, the 5GAA aims to pave the way for enhanced, safer and smarter mobility solutions across the US, illustrating a united front in the push for advanced automotive and networking technologies.

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