The new funding aims to expand high-powered EV charging across California, focusing on equitable access, under CALeVIP
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has announced the launch of a new $55 million funding initiative, set to begin in July 2025, aimed at bolstering the installation of high-powered EV fast-charging stations across the state. This initiative, known as the Fast Charge California Project, operates under the larger umbrella of the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP), which is recognized as the nation's most extensive EV charging incentive program.
To date, CALeVIP has supported the installation of nearly 10,000 EV chargers, accommodating the growing number of approximately 1.5 million light-duty EVs on California's roads. The implementation of this program is managed by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE).
The Fast Charge California Project is accepting applications from EV charging service providers and representatives of various locations, including convenience stores, gas stations, retail centers, parking lots and hotels. Projects eligible for funding must be at a stage ready for construction, with all necessary utility design and permits secured.
A particular emphasis is placed on installing chargers in tribal, disadvantaged and low-income communities, ensuring equitable access to charging infrastructure. The funding will cover up to 100% of the approved costs for a project, with potential rebates reaching up to $55,000 or $100,000 per charging port, dependent on the charger's power level.
Hannon Rasool, the CEC's Fuels and Transportation Division director, highlighted the importance of the CALeVIP program in facilitating an equitable deployment of EV charging infrastructure across California. The Fast Charge California Project aims to fast track the installation of high-powered chargers, prioritizing projects that are ready for immediate construction, particularly in communities most in need.
Evan Wright, the director of EV Infrastructure and Operations at CSE, emphasized the role of state-funded incentives in the rapid and fair expansion of California's fast-charging network. The announcement of the new funding opportunity is intended to encourage potential applicants to prepare and submit high-quality, construction-ready projects.
The funding for CALeVIP, including the Fast Charge California Project, is sourced from the CEC's Clean Transportation Program and the state's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, showcasing California's commitment to reducing emissions and facilitating the transition to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) through the development of essential EV charging infrastructure.
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